wrote: > Mayhaps i'm a little brain dead from work. i'm stumbling over "co- > opted". Would you please reiterate? thanks here's the best I can do from my impression of this phenomenon, this may or may not capture what the original poster meant: Cooptification is when the mainstream establishment starts using the language/images/ideas of a radical movement in a watered down, sanitized, often "hip" way. This shifts the meaning of the symbols in this language and drowns out the radical message. Cooptification is the opposite of subversion. A radical movement can subvert the mainstream language to subtly radicalize the meaning of "safe" mainstream symbols. The establishment can coopt the radical language to subtly de-radicalize the meaning of "unsafe" radical symbols. These examples aren't so good because I am sleepy but try them out to get around the edges of the concept: Perhaps a relevent example might be if you start out with a call for gay marriage defined as "full government recognition of married gay couples with rights equal to those of straight couples" and at some point this shifts to being defined as "gay couples to be able to enter into a thing they call a marriage relationship without persecution". The first is a radical call for fundamental governmental change, the second is a much more watered down call for everybody to just get along (but no real political change). If the meaning of the phrase changes, it is hard to know when you have won the fight and when you have lost the fight. The environmental movement's language has been coopted when big corporations get away with talking about "responsible use" (for instance as a justification for logging or oil mining in our public lands). This is nothing to do with what environmentalists would consider "responsible" but these horrible companies get to get off seeming all green. Hippie, punk, goth, you name the subcultural group with a distinctive style, its all been coopted the moment you can buy the clothes at the local shopping mall. Serious political rap has been coopted by the commercial gansta rap machine. Folk music has been coopted by Jewel. Country music has been coopted by Garth Brooks and the rest of the spice-girls-in-cowboy-hats pop country crowd. The ironic thing is that it appears that the word "coopt" is used subversively in radical language. The radical usage is quite different from the dictionary definition. Cooptification is an even more made up word that you just won't find in the dictionary, maybe I'm the only one who uses it but I like rhymes with gentrification which is like the cooptification of a neighborhood in a way. co-opt (k&schwa.U'opt), v. [ad. L. cooptare, f. co(m) together + optare to choose. In L. strictly `to choose as a colleague, friend, or member of one's tribe or family'; sometimes also `to elect into a body', otherwise than by its members. Cf. the earlier uses of CO-OPTATE, CO-OPTATION.] trans. To elect into a body by the votes of its existing members. 1651 HOWELL Venice 158 The favour they did him to co-opt him into the body of their Nobility. 1651 HOWELL Venice 183 He sufferd himself to be coopted into the Colledg of Cardinalls. 1724 Reg. Trin. Coll., Dublin in Fraser Life Berkeley iv. (1871) 101 Dr. Clayton was admitted and co-opted Senior Fellow. 1860 W. G. CLARK Vac. Tour 17 A body of bravoes..who co-opt into their body those who, by strength of arm and skill in the use of the stiletto, may have shown themselves worthy of the distinction. 1862 Sat. Rev. XIV. 217/1 The claim of the existing Residentiaries to coopt to a vacancy. 1875 STUBBS Const. Hist. III. xx. 418 These eight co-opted two more, and these ten two more. 1881 Nature XXIII. 292 He was co-opted a Senior Fellow..[and] made Vice-Provost. Hence co-'opted, co-'opting ppl. adjs. 1875 SYMONDS Renaiss. Italy I. iii. 149 The Grand a co-opting body, tended to become a close aristocracy. 1881 Times 17 May 4/1 The Convocation of means of members of their own body and co-opted scholars and divines..have completed one portion of the work. 1887 Q. Rev. Jan. 176 Coopted trustees. Its interesting to see the connection. Cooptification is very much a situation where a very large mainstream group simply says "ok this hunk of radical language is ours now, we elect it into our body" and the folks who used to control that hunk of language (simply by speaking it) have no say in the process.
Copyright 2000, Zachary Miller
Last modified: Fri Jul 21 22:11:38 CDT 2000